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[E] Ragegirl
[E] Ragegirl
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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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I sware on my familys life that i will never do such a thing again. I did not read the rules and i got consequences from that. I promise that i will follow the rules here on out and i have learned my lesson. The reason i did such a thing was that i was being bullied that day at school and I ot told what to do so since i was angry with the kids that were picking on me I simply said that it was a free country but I didnt know the guy lived in Africa. The he started to be mean and thats when I snapped. I was tired of kids picking on me for one day and when he started to snap that anoyed me so i am so very sorry for what i did. If I get unbanned then I will apolagize to the one i cursed at. Im am so sorry to take up your time with this:( That is all.
over 11 years ago
username: ragegirl424 When I was banned: 9-30-2013 Person who banned you: I think it was Vexed but not sure Reason I was banned: Disrespecting staff Sever: Skyblock
over 11 years ago
Hey um I sort of got banned how do I get unbanned please so I can like play. Yeah thanks guys peace:)
over 11 years ago